USCWM Institute of International Studies

Dr. Winter's Audio Lectures
for the Foundations Course

Discussion led by Dr. Winter on Foundations lesson 11

The audio lecture you hear when you visit this site is from a discussion session following lesson lecture 11 of Foundations Course. Foundations Course refers to the course entitled "Foundations of World Christian Movement." .  The course is related to Perspectives and WCF programs developed by Dr. Ralph Winter.

Sample Audio Lectures by Dr. Winter

Lesson 3 Lecture: The Biblical Plan, Announcement of the Great Commission

Lesson 4 Lecture: The Unfolding Story of Scripture, Part 1

Lesson 16: Post-World War II: The Expansion of New Missions

Sample Audio Lectures by Roberta Winter

A Lecture by Roberta Winter for WCF Lesson 63 Review

This site will be updated everyday so that soon this summer this site will host hundreds of Dr. Winter's lectures.  The audio lectures on-demand are the lectures one can listen to anytime by clicking on the play button.  One of the features of the audio lecture on-demand is that students or visitors can "pause and repeat" over and over again.  It is not kind of the lecture that disappears after class or a course. 

†  The above Windows Media Players play windows media audio. If you are a Mac user and Windows Media Player is not installed in your system, you can listen to the lectures by using text links to MP3 files. Follow the links to each lesson, and you will see text links to MP3 audio there.

Foundations of the World Christian Movement refers to the 3-unit course with 20 lessons.  World Christian Foundations (WCF) refers to M.A. degree study program, which has 4 modules, 80 lessons per module, with Lesson Overviews taped.