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Indonesia's capital underwater. Hundreds
of thousands are homeless. Youngsters
with no childhood. How to give former
childhood soldiers a future. And the Iraqi people protecting
their children in the face of violence. This is bbc world in
Washington. I'm Kathy Kay.

>> I'm mike Embley in London. Also in the programme, a police
officer murdered at a football game.
The club warns to improve security or empty stadiums. And
exclusive tour of Britain's new supermicroscope.
>> Almost 30 people are known to have died and hundreds of
thousands homeless after days of torrential rain in
Indonesia. Houses
and thousands have sought treatment for disease. Our world
affair is correspondent has a report.
>> So used to floods here but nothing like this.
Half of Indonesia's capital is under
water as days of torrential rain
triggered a disaster. The slums near
rivers are affected every year but this time rich and poor are
suffering. Huge areas have no electricity or clean drinking
water. Families are increasingly angry
at the lack of the government strategy to prevent the flood
problem. This woman said she had been in this
situation many times before but this was
much worse. The lurking fear is of
malaria and typhoid are a real threat where there is no
clean water. This government doctor
says that she is treating people with
infection from living near dirt water. This is a city virtually
paralyzed. Some are suggesting the capital should be relocated
to higher ground. But for now, Jakarta citizens are bought thing
in are bat thing in down the -- are battening down the hachts.
>> It was standing room only at the cathedral. The coffin of
a 38-year-old police officer carried in by his colleagues. Some
struggling to control their emotions. The sense of outrages at
what has happened here evidenced by the thousands of fans who
stood by "the cathedral to pay their
respects. There were some who tried to help the roffe to escape
but he was cornered. His 15 years
old daughter Cattiana paid her tribute.
>> Dad, i lost the will to live. Without you, there is no
reason to live. You were the very best father.
>> A new watershed in the Iraqi capital. A truck bomb
at Baghdad market killed 130 people and wounded 300. Here
is one man's story in Baghdad trying toe keep his true identity
a secret. When he came in to speak to us, he described how
almost everyone those who are supposed
to protect them.
>> Protect our area produce from police, military army
now comes the new security joined
in Baghdad trying to build trust in the Iraqi security forces.
>> Do you think it will work?
>> I don't think so.
>> If that doesn't work, what could bring piece to an area
like yours?
>> I believe it should be free begin from occupation forces
and we need a real government.
>> Baghdad is increasingly dividing on sectarian lines.
>> In these circumstances, this is a place where
young family like yours can live?
>> This is my home and my city but in this situation, this
situation, I don't like to stay here.
>> One Iraqi's story it may be but his thoughts ever probably
the thoughts of many as the bombers and death squads continue
their work. Stress of daily life in Baghdad. Stay with us. Still
to come, the super recycling centre in
Berlin that is hungry for your rubbish.
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