A policeman, Filippo Reciti, was killed when an explosive device
was thrown inside his vehicle. Another policeman was critically
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>> The video the U.S. Wouldn't show. Now a British newspaper
publishes the evidence. An Iranian diplomat seized by gunmen
wearing Iraqi army uniforms. Palestinians hope for an end to
factional violence. Can new talks brokered by the Saudis
succeed? This is bbc world. A warm welcome from me, David
Yields. Also in this programme, not so
slick. Profits fall at B.P. And exiled
billionaire says he'll talk to Russian investigators about the
death of Alexander Litvinenko. A newspaper here in Britain has
published a cockpit video recording of the moment that U.S.
Warplanes attacked a British convoy in Iraq, killing a soldier.
The American authorities had refused to allow the tape to be
shown at the inquest into the death of lance corporal Matthew
Howell in 2003. The British Ministry
of Defence says the recording couldn't
be released because it was classified a secret by the
U.S. Military. The bbc's defence
correspondent Paul Wood.
>> For four years the cockpit video shows the American planes
closing in for the kill. The pilots was
tragically unaware that this
was the British troops.
>> Get him, get him. Age 25, this
corporal Cannon,
M the British soldier's
location was known to the U.S.
Military, so why didn't these two pilots know? Why didn't they
see the orange panels on the battlefield?
>> There are no bradleys this far north on the ground.
>> Quite frankly British army vehicles look nothing like
flatbed trailers. They have the orange markers on, which are the
NATO symbol for friendly forces. Eventually they were firing
smoke and being talked to on the radio because the controllers
are all netted together. So it really is a chain of events which
I think demonstrates that the Americans still haven't got their
recognition sorted out.