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>> A raid on the Health Ministry in Baghdad. The Deputy
Health Minister is arrested. Promises of progress at six-party
talks on North Korea's nuclear programme. NATO ministers meet in
Spain. Will they come up with enough troops to fight off a
Taliban swing offensive? This is bbc world. Welcome. Also in the
programme, protests in Jerusalem as Israel restarts excavations
at Al-Sadr mosque. And the stage is shared with a sport once
considered a symbol of British oppression. Amili is a senior
member of the group loyal to moqtada al-sadr. He's been accused
of being a central figure in infiltrating militias into the
ministry. The bbc's Jane Peel is in the Iraqi capital with more
>> This happened around 9:30 local time. We're told by
spokesman for the Ministry of Health that both American and
Iraqi forces were involved in the raid. It's said they broke
down doors to get into the ministry building in central Bagdad.
As you say, he's closely connected with this political group
linked to moqtada Al-sadr, the anti-American Shiite cleric.
Involved in helping the mehdi army, the militia which is also
connected with Al-Sadr and that specifically he arranged to
transport weapons that he was arrested on those grounds.
>> Just shows, doesn't it, All of this just as the new U.S.
Commander gets his feet on the ground there.
>> That's right. General David Petraeus arrives in Bagdad
today. He doesn't officially take over the commander until
Saturday, but his job is to quell the violence by which the
Iraqis are suffering so much. One of the aims when they bring in
these new American and Iraqi forces is to tackle the militias
and the death squads in a successfully in the past. That's said
to have the support of the Iraqi government and the Iraqi Prime
Minister, Nouri Al Maliki. Perhaps he has been seen in the past
as giving some protection to the Shiite militias. There are many
supporters of the militia in the governing coalition. This time,
it's said, they are going to be targeted. So it will be very
interesting to see what happens when this new security surge
finally gets under way with some 21,500 American troops and many
thousands more Iraqi troops
into Baghdad to try to quell this violence.
>> Jane Peel. Well, staying in Iraq, three bombs have
exploded, killing at east 28 people. Separate devices going off
in Baghdad, 40 kilometres south of the capital and a further 40
kilometres south. Police say all the explosions were roadside
bombs with up to 70 people also injured. The military chief of
NATO is expected to urge its member states to commit yet more
troops to Afghanistan. 2,000 extra troops are needed to defeat
the expected spring offensive by the Taliban in the coming
weeks. Well, general Karadzic is attending that meeting of NATO
defence ministers. It's being held in the Spanish city of see
seville. NATO commanders want to deploy the troops on the border
with Pakistan and in the south where fighting is heavier. Now,
you end your hostilities towards us and we'll consider an end to
our nuclear programme. That seems to be North Korea's message.
Six-party talks have begun in Beijing. Christopher Hill, U.S.
Assistant Secretary of State, defied report that a deal between
Washington and Pyongyang was actually signed during a meeting
with his North Korean counterpart in Berlin last month. Our
correspondent in Beijing is James Reynolds. He told me there
really is great pressure on both sides to ensure some sort of
positive result.
>> Both on the American side and on the North Korean side,
they're using exactly the same phrase. Their talking about first
steps or first stages. I think that gives you an indication of
exactly where these talks are. They've been going on, on and
off, for more than three years, but so far they have not
achieved anything tangible, anything lasting. Almost now they're
starting right from the beginning looking at the very first
steps towards North Korea's disarmament. At least from the
American side, there is a very real question mark as to whether
or not North Korea really does want to disarm. At the end of the
last round of six-party talks in December, Christopher Hill said
he doubted the north Koreans had come negotiate in good faith.
This next round of talks, I think the Americans will be looking
closely to see if the north Koreans are willing to make any kind
of concessions.
>> Presumably they're not using that language now about
raising questions as to whether the North Koreans are there in
good faith?
>> No. Christopher Hill has said that America should be
cautious. He's looking at first steps. He's looking at trying to
reemployment an old agreement which was signed but never
implemented about a year and a half ago. The North Korean
negotiator who is here has said that he's neither optimistic nor
pessimistic, but he says in public he wants the United States to
stop any kind of hostile policy towards north Korea. So I think
there will be some pretty sharp exchanges, perhaps in private at
the talks, but fundamentally they go back to this problem of
this: These talks began to try to stop north Korea from
developing nuclear weapons, but north Korea has done so. It has
developed nuclear weapons. It has carried out a nuclear test. It
believes it is a full nuclear power. And so really the task
facing negotiators now is almost harder than it was at the
beginning when they started several years ago.