Lesson 2 Lecture: Origins of Life, Mysteries and Certainties
This is Lesson Two--Origins
of Life, Mysteries and Certainties. By now you know that this course is
attempting what may seem impossible. You
may have never in your life been confronted
with anything as presumptuous as the idea of
finding overall meaning in the latest scientific
information about our planet and finding it in
complete harmony with the Bible.
Of course, this is all in the realm not of
absolute faith but of sanctified imagination. But
the exciting thing is that it just might be true. If
the Bible does not really say something, we do
not defend it well if we insist that it says things
which are contrary to what would appear to be
scientific fact.
The most recent estimate I have heard is that
the universe burst into existence 13.7 billion
years ago, and after expanding for 9.2 billion
years, the planet earth came into existence 4.5
billion years ago. Less certain is the idea that
the first glimmers of life appeared on earth 4
billion years ago. This estimate is much less
likely to be precise, since tiny forms of life do
not leave behind bones or shells.
Mystery 1: Matter
In any case it is a deep mystery how the
universe, our galaxy (one of billions of others),
our solar system, and our planet came into
existence. All of this, existing previous to the
appearance of life, is a huge mysterious bundle
of what has been called matter, forces, and
What has been called matter is what are
called “molecules” which in turn are structured
composites of smaller entities called “atoms,”
which in turn appear to be something like tiny
little solar systems, that is, each with a nucleus
whirled about by a number of electrons equal
in number to the protons in the nucleus. But
even the nucleus of an atom contains almost
unimaginably complex realities with protons
and neutrons passing quarks between them
etc.. These atoms themselves have been
arranged in a number of different ways each
called a “Periodic Table of the Elements,” in
orderly manner from the very smallest,
hydrogen with one whirling electron, Helium
with two, Lithium with three, Aluminum with
13, Oxygen, for example, has 16 in now more
than one orbit layer, Lead has 82, Uranium has
92, etc..
Most of these atoms don’t exist in isolation
but, as I say, in structured clusters, thousands
of them forming rocks, crystals, snow flakes,
water, air, etc. This entire reality is called the
“inorganic universe.” Its astoundingly intricate
and tiny structures constitute mystery number
Mystery 2: Life
A very puzzling thing is a second
mysterious reality called life, which has thus
far been discovered only on our planet. This
entire equally complex phenomenon is actually
a play on a single atom, carbon. All forms of
life consist of elaborations and combinations
which include the atom carbon.
Size is important. If a virus were the size of a
baseball, a bacterium would be the size of the
pitcher’s mound, a cell would be the size of the
entire baseball diamond and a parasite might
be as large as the entire city. However, even the
smallest of these four, the virus, often is built
up of as many as ten million atoms.
The comparatively large and enormous
more complex cell is still so small that you
could put 200,000 cells on top of the period at
the end of a sentence and still not quite cover it
up. On the other hand the very small virus still
may contain strands of DNA which it injects
after attacking a cell.
As small as cells are (200,000 on top of a
period), each contains in its nucleus a DNA
molecule that consists of a double helix
structure that is both complex and beautiful
and both long and thin. Every cell on top of
that period contains deep down in its nucleus a
DNA molecule that if stretched out would be
five feet long, and yet is so slender that it can
be folded, coiled up and compacted into the
nucleus of a cell.
Viruses, note, are cleverly destructive. They
are something like bombs which attach
themselves to cells, jamming pieces of DNA
inside which mass produce more viruses of the
same type until the cell bursts and dies. Not all
but some bacteria are destructive. Parasites are
by definition destructive and are so large than
their intelligence is enormous. The Hair Worm,
for example, burrows into a grasshopper,
devours everything but the minimum necessary
ability to hop. At the end creates proteins that
mimic the grasshopper’s brain cells, which in turn induce the grasshopper to jump into water where it dies and the Hair Worm swims away
to breed. It is very hard to believe anything as
intelligent as this could have fallen together as
the result of random mutations. It is equally
clear that we are dealing with intelligence that
is evil not just good intelligence.
Mystery 3: The Cambrian Explosion and
Satan’s Fall
If life is the second mystery, in the process of
describing it we have already touched on the
third mystery, the mystery of destructive life.
This first appears at the time of what is in itself
mysterious - the Cambrian Explosion. Not only
a vast new profusion of life rather suddenly
appears, but cruelty and suffering, and the
cruelty does not stop. Violence and distortion
of the good in nature continues to this day. We
all know about the so-called “old bones” being
dug up in the last two centuries. Most of these
forms of life are prey or predator or both. The
period of this violence has reigned for the last
500 million years.
It is worth noting that the Cambrian
Explosion is all the more credible because the
scientists who have accepted it have done so
despite the fact that it would seem to be so very
contrary to the gradualism necessary to
classical Darwinism.
It is from within this last period (since the
mysterious Cambrian Explosion took place)
that the vast majority of fossilized life has been
unearthed. For example, in the latter half of this
period the dinosaurs existed for 100 million
years. Since their disappearance about 65
million years ago, mammals have come into
their own, and of course humans have
appeared very very recently. The chart on the next page indicates some of this.
Addressing the Puzzle
It is clear that few things have been as
fascinating, and at the same time as endlessly
puzzling, as the results of human inquiry into
the distant past. Today, even children are often
as well-acquainted with the distant past of
dinosaurs as I was familiar in my childhood
with the ABCs and with Columbus sailing the
ocean blue.
When I say ”distant past” I could mean the
really distant past, starting with the origin of
the universe, the birth of our planet, and the
beginnings of life. For our purposes here I will
rather focus on just the very end of the last half billion years (e.g. 500 million years) which is
the period leading up to the origin of the
human species and to what would appear to be
the the Fourth Mystery, the relatively recent events of Genesis 1.
Mystery 4: Human Life
While life is thought to have been under
development for a total of four billion years,
the vast majority of all fossil discoveries, as
mentioned, derive from just the last 500 million
years, following the Cambrian Explosion. Note
that if the whole 4 billion-year period of the
development of life is compared to a 24-hour
day, the last 500 million years since the
Cambrian Explosion is one eighth, or a
three-hour period, while the human period is
something like the last quarter of a second.
Even if the last 500 million years is compared to
24 hours, the human period is still only the last
2 seconds.
Interestingly, far more bones and shells have
been uncovered in the past 20 years than
perhaps in all previous history. In fact, digging
up bones and ancient artifacts has become a
global activity of scholars, accompanied by
looters and falsifiers.
Cave drawings and arrowheads tell us a
great deal about how very intelligent some
earlier forms of life were. We are well
acquainted, for example, with the capabilities
of the Neanderthals, who are nevertheless
today confirmed as prehuman due to recent DNA testing.
The appearance of humans
However, nothing accomplished by earlier
forms of life is as impressive as evidences
beginning about 11,000 years ago of deliberate,
determined, patient, intelligent selective
breeding of both plants and animals.
Worldwide, today, what we usually eat
without appropriate gratitude - rice, corn,
wheat, potatoes, etc. - are plants which give
mute witness to the fact that thousands of years
ago some highly intelligent forms of life -
apparently of unique intelligence - worked for
lengthy periods of time to achieve very
extensive genetic modification of plants that
were virtually inedible to begin with, but
which are now quite friendly to human beings.
Also about 11,000 years ago, these same
uniquely intelligent forms of life began
carefully and skillfully breeding wolves into the 235 different species of dogs which today in
multiple ways are close friends and benefactors
of human beings.
Some scholars today feel that the appearance
of this kind of radically superior intelligence is
more significant in determining the first
appearance of true humans than the study of
fossil bones. Thus, I want to suggest for
discussion two ideas: 1) that the time when
human beings first appeared can be detected from the
first evidence of the intelligence necessary for
the genetic alteration of plants and animals,
and 2) that all of this may all have occurred
before Adam.
Mystery 5: Eden, A New Beginning and
Adam’s Fall?
Not widely understood as yet is the
possibility that only about six thousand years
ago some of these very intelligent human
beings in various parts of the earth may have
heard an enormous “boom” from an impacting
asteroid from outer space. That incredible
impact would have been enormous enough to
have blotted out all life in one region and but
merely a huge “boom” of sound passing
other humans elsewhere at the speed of sound - 600
miles per hour - leaving only a fleeting
impression. What would have happened next
is the almost immediate appearance of dust in
the atmosphere producing a shroud of thick
and total darkness holding the entire earth in
its grip, something humans living in whatever
part of the globe would not as easily forget,
even if they lived too far away to hear the
initial boom.
It would then take time for this dark
encompassing cloud of thick dust to settle. First
it would thin out enough for light to come
through dimly - just enough to tell day from
night. The light would then get brighter as time
went on. Finally, the sun and the moon and
later the stars would become visible again.
I hasten to add that this is all supposition.
However, if truly modern, highly intelligent
humans did first appear 11,000 years ago, and
if some time after that a sizable asteroid did hit
our planet, it would certainly seem possible
that surviving human beings passed down an
oral tradition about that event or at least the sequence of events in its aftermath.
What about asteroids?
Before thinking further about the possibility
of oral tradition of this kind, it may be helpful to explain the background of my supposition
that a major asteroidal collision could have
occurred fairly recently in our planetary
The story, surprisingly, begins with our
landing on the moon in 1969. When that happened, all
of a sudden all those visible pock marks on the
surface of the moon - which had always been
assumed to be
volcanic craters - turned out to
impact craters!
Absolutely stunned, geologists
began a mad scramble to track down evidences
of similar impacts on the earth, which, of
course, are far more difficult to find on earth
due to the erosion of wind and rain which is completely
absent on the moon.
Now, Fast forward 30 years, and we are now
offered credible evidence of thousands of asteroidal impacts on the earth, both large and
small. The vast majority are small and, in fact,
millions of small asteroids have fortunately
burned up before hitting the earth. This is a
process continuing unabated until today, their
ashes settling down to earth at the rate of 40 tons a day.
Of special concern to our story is the fact
that quite a few asteroids colliding with the
earth have been large enough to gouge huge
craters and devastate a much wider area of the
earth miles away, even hundreds of miles
beyond the crater itself. The evidence of one
meteor that hit only 50,000 years ago in the
arid, rainless desert in Arizona is still an
awesome, gaping hole a breath-taking mile
across and a quarter of a mile deep.
But, even if we ignore the thousands of
smaller objects from outer space in the last 600
million years, those that created craters smaller
than an enormous 15 miles across, a
considerable number that size or larger have
been found - 45 to be exact. Most of these larger
asteroids have, in fact, created craters much
larger than a diameter of 15 miles, and,
consequently killed off far more life on earth.
The largest crater so far discovered - in
northwestern Australia - is 135 miles in
diameter, and is estimated to have killed 97%
of all life on the entire planet! A slightly smaller
one, 65 million years ago created a crater only
100 miles across but is credited with killing off all dinosaurs.
Although none of these larger asteroids
extinguished all of life, it seems evident that life
on earth has had drastic ups and downs due to
asteroids alone. In the case of virtually all
asteroidal collisions of any great magnitude, a
familiar sequence would have unfolded as
mentioned earlier: thick darkness, later, dim
light half of the day, then, finally, rays of light
from a directly observed sun.
Paleontologists have observed, interestingly,
that the aftermath of such explosive “extinction
events” has often been the occasion for the
emergence of quite different forms of plant and
animal life. For example, the huge impact that
extinguished the entire spectrum of thousands
of different forms of dinosaur life, was
followed by the era of mammals, when their
size zoomed from two pounds or less to a ton
or more.
The 45 largest asteroidal collisions thus far
discovered are pegged at dates within the last
600,000 years, all at times prior to the human
period, that is, before there were humans in
existence to witness their effects and create oral
tradition about them. Thus, we have only the remnants of those earlier craters to observe.
Record of a recent collision?
However, as hinted earlier, should there
have been a smaller collision relatively
recently, after humans appeared on the scene,
that is, in the last 11,000 years, would we not
expect intelligent humans living far enough
away to survive to include a recollection of
such an event in their oral tradition?
Let’s look into this. In the
Post-Moon-landing era in which we now live, it
certainly has come to seem possible that the
collision of a fairly recent asteroid might have
wiped out a large, regional sector of human life
- such as the area of the Fertile Crescent - and
that surviving humans outside that area could
have noticed the sequence of events without
understanding exactly what had happened.
They might have only observed the thick
darkness, the dim but increasing light, the final
appearance of the Sun, Moon, and then the
stars. Could such recollections have passed in
oral tradition down to Egyptian scholars, and
to Moses? And, does the sequence of events
described in the first chapter of Genesis
describe the same thing?
If Genesis 1 describes such a train of events,
then it would not be necessary to require that
the humans who created the Genesis narrative
were speaking of cosmological events only
understood much later in the human story.
Rather, logically, it would be that Genesis 1:1
describes not the
initial creation of the
universe, but describes a much more recent
beginning, in
merely a region of the earth (the
“known world” of the people of that time). If
that happened, would not the next thing be the
repopulation of animal and human life in that
region? To accept such a supposition would
instantly require certain radical adjustments of
popular exegesis, because it would mean the
first few chapters of Genesis were entirely local
What adjustments? First, the Gen. 1:1
phrase, “In the beginning God” would have to
be translatable as, ”At the time God began.”
Second, the Hebrew word “bara” would have
to be able to mean “recreate” not just “create”
(and definitely not “create out of nothing”).
Thirdly, the familiar phrase, “formless and
void” from the Hebrew phrase
toho wabohu
would have to mean something like “destroyed
and desolate.” The single sentence in Hebrew
running through Gen. 1:1, and 1:2, would then
come out something like, “Things were really
destroyed and desolate when God began to
recreate …“
Even more obvious would be the need to
understand the whole of early Genesis as
talking about universally significant, yet
geographically local, events. This would
include a local flood. Even the table of nations
in Genesis 11 would have to refer to
predominantly Middle Eastern peoples, not
Chinese, East Indians, or Eskimos.
Furthermore, it would be helpful if we knew
that at least some Biblical scholars have
recognized all of these possibilities, and it
would be nice to discover that these ideas were
more widely held some years ago.
Finally, since today the most avid supporters
of a world only six thousand years old are an
outspoken group of conservative Evangelicals,
it is relevant to note that Merrill F. Unger, a
conservative and respected Dallas Theological
Seminary professor in his very widely used
Unger’s Bible Handbook,
published by the press
at the Moody Bible Institute, cites (without
criticism) scholars who speak of pre-Gen. 1:1
events. He says, "Some scholars prefer to envision a relative beginning
[in Gen. 1:1], allowing events such as Satan’s
fall and the geological ages of the earth to precede
Unger also indicates that the geologic ages
can’t be wedged between 1:1 and 1:2, “To place
a gap in 1:2 is untenable by the fact that the Hebrew text is one sentence."
He adds:
If a gap [to make room for long ages of the earth]
exists it must occur before 1:1 rather than after it.
Gen. 1:1-2 appear as a unit … although the gap
theory framework seems to be declining in support, it
does commend itself as a potential explanation for
the fall of Satan and the findings of modern science
that suggest long geological ages of earth’s prehistory.
In view of these comments, I feel
emboldened to suggest that there is no
insurmountable exegetical obstacle to the
suppositions I have mentioned for the
understanding of the text. In fact we should
perhaps feel ashamed that many of us have
tried for so long to force the Genesis literary
record describe the origin of a universe and a
planet totally unknown at the time of its
writing or oral formulation.
Those who might oppose this view - the
so-called “Young Earth” party - are highly
visible within the homeschooling movement.
Their view of an earth only 6,000 years old has
derived (as Ronald Numbers has pointed out)
in the last seventy years from the emergence
within Evangelicalism of a once mainly
Seventh-Day Adventist understanding of
Genesis. This relatively recent accrual from
Adventism is not strengthened by the fact that
as long ago as 1910, Scofield clearly presented
the idea of the vast geological ages occurring
prior to the six days of Genesis 1 (in a “gap”
prior to verse 2). This was when the
Reference Bible
was becoming more widely used
than any study Bible that has ever been sold since. Scofield,
furthermore was backed by a list of prominent
scholars on his title page.
Followers of the “Young Earth” perspective
can at least take comfort in the fact that the
interpretation I have described here does not
conflict with, but would tend to substantiate, a
recent, not very ancient, understanding of the
events of Genesis.
The Ominous Presence of Evil
This entire scenario, however, simply lays the groundwork for an element in the story that is highly crucial to our concept of mission. Note the striking contrast between the type of animal life being uncovered by the paleontologists during “the vast geologic ages” and the distinctly noncarnivorous kind described in Genesis 1:29-30. By contrast, the thousands of creatures whose bones are being dug up from earlier earth history are for the most part outrageously vicious. This same viciousness is
also seen in the pervasive cannibalism of
virtually all early evidences of humanity.
Curious and highly significant,
life-destroying forms of life, we are told by
paleontologists today, first appeared suddenly
at the time of the enigmatic “Cambrian
Explosion,” an epoch thought to be about 550
million years ago. While that may seem very
distant, the very first appearance of life is
supposed to have occurred much earlier - 4
billion years ago, that is, eight times earlier. For
most of that very distant past life forms were
too small to have left fossil records. But even
prior to the Cambrian period there are
evidences of animal life that was radially
symmetrical, like starfish, and bi-polar forms of
life with a front and a back and four legs.
However, begging for interpretation is the fact
that these pre-Cambrian forms of life did not
possess protective shells or quills, nor the kind
of sharp teeth characteristic of predatory life.
Here is a theological question, then: at this point
seven-eights of the way along in the
development of life, when predatory forms of
life first appeared,
did some of the intermediate
beings rebel and begin to distort nature? Is this
what would be meant by Satan “falling?”
In any case, as noted, what we see recreated
in Genesis 1 is clearly stated to be
non-carnivorous. Even Adam and Eve are
described as non-carnivorous. Those who hold
to the idea that the animal life appearing in
Genesis 1 must be the same as the kinds of
animal life reflected by thousands of fossils will
find that thought difficult to maintain - for that
would mean that all of these incredibly old,
violent bones would have had to appear after
Adam, been distorted as a result of his fall
rather than Satan’s earlier fall, and thus all that
enormous complexity appearing very recently,
that is, within just last 11,000 years of human
life on earth.
In summary, in case Genesis 1 is an
eye-witness account of conditions of the earth
following a massive but regional asteroidal
collision, the oral history of this would have
had to derive from unaffected humans outside
the area. Furthermore, the new variety of both
animal and human life created as described in
Genesis would have to be recognized as
significantly different. Adam, we are told, is a
human distinctively created “in the image of
God” which could at least mean “as God
intended,” that is, for example, non-carnivorous. It is not until later in Genesis
that Adam’s lineage is described as reverting to
carnivorous behavior, following his fall and the
breakdown of the Edenic New Beginning - a
reversion logically hastened by interbreeding
with the previously distorted and depraved
forms of human life living elsewhere on the
In any case, the clear implication is that the
rampant, destructive violence observable all
throughout nature was a perversion of God’s
original intent and design. Eden, in that light,
would seem, then, to have been a New Beginning which
was a re-creation of that revealed original
intent, just as Isaiah 11:6 describes the lion lying
down with the lamb in the ultimate triumph of
God’s intent - once again in the form of
non-carnivorous and non-violent life.
The Question of the Process of Creation
Now that we have plunged into the concept of God “creating” or “recreating” life, a small digression may be in order. The paleontologists are telling us that the development life on earth took an exceedingly long time. On the one hand, the enormous, sudden changes at the time of the Cambrian Explosion do not readily correspond to the gradual process envisioned by Darwin. But, neither does this sort of lengthy process seem to be what you would expect of what some people think of as an infinitely wise and powerful wand-waving Supreme Deity - unless, for example, that Supreme
Deity was working through finite intermediate beings in a lengthy learning process. But, are there intermediate beings? If there are, it would seem quite reasonable for finite beings to have been involved in a lengthy learning curve, and with the achievement of cellular development and the consequent potential for large animals one of the key leaders decided to sabotage creation.
Interestingly, the evolution of the American
automobile throughout the twentieth century
may be somewhat parallel. We see mostly
continuity all along from model to model,
although, for example, at one point most cars
got smaller. At another point some cars
appeared with engines in the back. More
recently, SUVs loomed into the picture, etc..
But at
every point along the way, the changes that took
place were due, however, not to random mutations
but to the meticulous involvement of thousands of
intelligent engineers. The obviously necessary
role of those human engineers could, it would
seem, be parallel to the role of intermediate
beings in the evolution of life forms.
One question may come up. If loyal angels
took millions of years to develop life (all along
under God’s instruction) how then could the
various forms of life mentioned in Genesis 1 be
re-created in six days, even if those periods of
time were longer than 24 hours?
To me this would be like assuming that since
swarms of highly intelligent automotive
engineers took an entire century to go from a
Model T to a Lincoln Continental they surely
could not put out a new model in just one year.
But, obviously, if loyal intermediate beings
(angels) had been steadily learning about
genetics, developing a variety of life forms over
a very long period, they would certainly have
had no problem in re-creating noncarnivorous
life forms.
In other words there does not seem to be any
stubborn obstacle to understanding Genesis to
harmonize with scientific investigations and to
accepting a version of the both so-called “Old
earth” scenario as well as the “Young earth”
An intelligent counterforce?
The lack of conflict with the concept of an
old earth is one value of understanding the
great ages of the earth as coming before
Genesis1:1. Another value, that to me is even
more important, is the significance of
recognizing the full extent of the distortion of
nature by an active, intelligent counterforce,
and the need for those of us defending God’s glory
today to deal seriously with the continuous and
now contemporary worldwide assault by the
microbiological world on both animal and
human life.
This kind of recognition, this apparently
belated insight, would seem to be essential to
any truly serious mobilization of believers to
fight back against the origins of disease. This
defines a larger concept of mission and is my
primary concern.
Unless and until that recognition is more
widespread, we are confined and restricted to a
“gospel” which concentrates almost solely on
individuals gaining assurance about getting
into the next world and merely staying out of
trouble until then. In this common
understanding of the Christian life there is no
war going on. Worse still, many thinking
people are honestly wondering how a loving and all-powerful God can both create, and put
up with or condone the pervasive violence and
suffering and sickness in this world. Is God
expecting our help?
In any case, the puzzle which both
theologians and scientists face regarding the
specific process of the creation of life is made
drastically more complicated, as I say, by this
additional and strange factor, namely, the
evidence of a counterforce to whatever might
seem to be beautiful and good. One of the least
mentioned and yet unavoidable characteristics
of nature is the absolutely pervasive evidence
of a counterforce distorting, degrading, and
destroying all that is good, pitting animal
against animal and human against human, and
in addition pulling down all forms of animal
and human life by means of deadly viruses,
bacteria, and ominously clever parasites.
Curiously, those who commendably urge
the recognition of Intelligent Design in nature
do not seem to notice that such recognition
creates a new problem: that of people assuming
that violence in nature is due to the work of
God rather than Satan. By contrast, Darwin
pondered the strangeness of an omnipotent
God of love and the apparently gratuitous
death of his little niece, the premature death of
his father, and the rampant violence and
suffering throughout nature. His resulting
proposal of a purely natural, and random
evolution was in one sense his method of
absolving God of blame for the evident evil in
nature. It might have been easier had he
seriously considered the existence of the factor
of intelligent evil opposition to God. Intelligent
Design people need to recognize the existence
of both good and evil design or they malign
God the Creator.
We can plainly see this virulent evil in the
earliest remains of hominids, humanoids, or
modern humans who perversely and
pervasively portray homicidal behavior - the
sort of thing bluntly described in Genesis. We
also see evil in the omnipresent evidence of
destructive disease. If divine intent is reflected
in the re-creation that may be described in
Genesis, as well as the final situation described
in Isa. 6 and 11 (in which the lion will lie down
with the lamb), we can readily recognize that
nature-as-we-know-it is clearly not the way a
loving, powerful divine being would have
intended it.
However, if dangerous wolves can be altered genetically through selective breeding
over a lengthy period of time, so, you would
think, could man-eating tigers. That procedure
would seem to be better than either of the two
main alternatives we have at present - either to
“kill or cage.” I have read that there are only
5,000 tigers remaining in the wild, while in the
U.S. as temporary pets there are another 10,000.
I say temporary
because treating wolves or
tigers in a friendly way does not change their
DNA. Nor, apparently can either animals or
humans become herbivorous just by being fed
plant life.
The often overlooked genetic distortion that
has already happened would seem clearly to be
a more serious problem than can be coped with
either through behavioral or nutritional
modification. Patient, multigenerational
selective breeding can make a difference but is
a process which is clumsy compared to gene
splicing. “Original sin” in this light could be
what resulted from genetic distortion. This may
be why despite “the power of the Gospel to
transform lives” humans still have seemingly
indelible inclinations to sin, as Paul testifies in
Romans 7.
Mysteries 6 and 7
In later lessons we will take up the curious
emergence of “high” civilizations which seem
to be succeeded by less sophisticated
civilizations, which is Mystery 6, and the most
significant mystery of all, Mystery 7, which is
what Paul called a mystery, the Abrahamic
plan for the reconquest of all creation. That is
essentially the story of the rest of the Bible and history beyond the Bible.
† Dr. Winter's Lecture for
Lesson Two, "Introduction to Foundations of the World Christian Movement" was followed by the discussion which began
with the first question, "How do you respond to the chart--questions, comments,
whatever--in the view of life and teaching of Genesis I & 2?" Please click on
Lesson 2: Origins of Life
and goes to the bottom of page 1 to see this chart. There you will the
chart under the title, "Impacts, Eruptions and Major Mass
Extinctions. The chart represents the scientific
description of the enigma of life, namely, the asteroid impact
on the life of the earth. According to this chart,
the first asteroid impact began in the remote past of 600
million B.C. And Dr. Winter's first question in this
discussion is about how Christians should, then, respond to the
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If you are a Mac user who finds Windows Media streaming unsmooth
in your system, click on
Lesson Two
Discussion on MP3.